

Onboard the Sport agencies onto the common ERP system for NSW government (on SAP S/4 HANA), introducing standardised processes for their corporate shared services

Who They Are.

  • 3 independent agencies within NSW government

  • +500 staff

  • Manage NSW government sporting venues

  • Manage sport and recreation centres across the state

  • Support Australian athletes to become complete with the world’s best

  • Provide grants to develop sporting at all levels across the state

  • Provide opportunities for community groups and clubs

Business Challenges.

  • The agencies are small and it was costly to sustain separate systems and corporate services operations. The HR and finance systems were old and required upgrading / replacing.

  • NSW government set a direction to move to standardised ERP processes and systems, encouraging agencies to move to common systems.

  • Agencies are seen as “desirable” for ministerial appointments and are frequently moved between clusters, impacting governance and centralised reporting.

Project Scope.

  • The following SAP Modules were included: purchasing, financials, accounts payable, accounts receivable, fixed asset accounting, real estate, travel and expenses, HR and payroll.

  • Integration from frontline booking systems.

  • Integration to Business Data Warehouse.

  • From March 2019 to November 2019.

Project Objectives.

  • Consolidate 3 agencies onto 1 ERP platform.

  • Establish a common business process architecture.

  • Standardise master data.

  • Implement modern systems.

  • Introduce/extend shared services.

  • Improve opportunities for economies of scale in processing.

  • Improve compliance and traceability.

The Process of ERP Implementation.

  • Develop and obtain approval of the business case.

  • Work with the program office to establish governance over the project.

  • Review common process standards and confirm alignment “as standard as possible, as local as necessary”.

  • Identify options for system procurement and implementation.

  • Run procurement process to source systems integrator.

  • Document project strategies for resourcing, change management, test management and data migration.

  • Work with program office to engage systems integrator, build the project plan and deliver the project.



Changes and Success

  • Common database and business processes lead to more trustworthy and reliable data.

  • Staff efficiencies cannot be achieved immediately. Time to stabilise and learn new processes and systems is necessary.

  • It was necessary to tweak some procedures (e.g. invoice processing) outside the system in the first weeks after go live.

  • Old habits were hard to break (e.g. regularly reconciling the clearing accounts) but a solid system enabled better audit and investigation.

  • Improved systems reduced errors.